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P.D.C. (Power dampening Chamber) Layout


A P.D.C. is a prison cell specially designed to imprison super-powered villains who have been defeated by Dasher. The P.D.Cs have been built and designed from Conway Laboratories by Professor Ian Conway himself.

These prison cells can dampen the powers of a super powered individual so that the inmates will have no chance of escaping. They also happen to be sound proof so that prisoners won’t be able to talk to each other, or to devise an escape plan together. This will be introduced in issue 4 of Dasher when the next Villain that Dasher will go up against escapes his prison cell.

When I created this from Photoshop, I wanted to focus on what the P.D.C. would need in order for it to work. I have added a key card pad on the left side of the P.D.C. for anyone to use to open and close the huge glass door at the front, as well as a speaker button to press to talk to the prisoners inside. There is a yellow and grey warning strip along the huge glass door at the front as a warning. I’ve been researching online to see what and how the warning strip should look like for the P.D.C. as I thought a warning was necessary to have.

Just in case, I have made a little interior map layout of the prison cell. All it has is a bed, a toilet, and a sink for the inmate. I can use this for future use for planning the positions of my characters.

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